The school's system of discipline is developed in conjunction with the Department of Education's student wellbeing policy.
The Richmond Public School discipline level system has been operating since 2000 and was updated in 2008 to include a positive reward system under the positive behavior for learning (PBL) program. Here is a summary of its operations.
Behaviour levels
Diamond level
No detentions for four consecutive terms: behaviour is outstanding.
Gold level
No detentions for three consecutive terms: behaviour is excellent.
Silver level
No detentions for two consecutive terms: behaviour is very good.
Bronze level
No detentions for one term: behaviour is pleasing.
Level 0
All students will begin at this level. Students are cooperative, helpful and try to work with school staff, students and visitors to the school. They respect the rights of others and obey school rules and expectations.
Level 1
Behaviour is causing concern. The student is causing problems in the classroom and/or playground and the teachers have expressed concern for the student's welfare. The student has not responded to strategies to improve his or her behaviour and may be exclused from school activities. Parents will be notified.
Level 2
Behaviour is unsatisfactory. The student is continually causing problems in class and/or the playground. A daily behaviour report may be kept and sent home. The student will be excluded from school excursions, primary sport school association (PSSA) and other school activities. Parents will be notified and may attend an interview.
Level 3
Behaviour continues to be unsatisfactory. A formal caution of suspension is given, parents will be notified and will be required to attend an interview.
Level 4
Suspension. The behaviour is unable to be tolerated and unacceptable behaviour is still evident. The student presents a risk to the education and safety of other students. The principal will suspend the student for the welfare of the school as a community. Parents will be contacted and required to attend an interview.
Level 5
Expulsion. The child is placed on expulsion, as in accordance with the Department of Education's policy. The school's policy outlines an imediate expulsion is required if the student permits any of the behaviour below. Parents will be contacted and required to attend an interview. This behaviour includes:
- inappropriate behaviour such as swearing at a teacher
- direct obedience towards staff including visiting staff and other adults
- fighting with another child
- inappropriate or dangerous travel behaviour and stealing
- illegal drug possession
- illegal possession of a weapon
- physical assault of a staff member and intentional or premediated injury of another student causing serious bodily harm.
Detention procedures
If a student's behaviour inside the classroom and/or on the playground is causing a concern, the incident will be written onto the student's behaviour card. During detention, assistant principal's will investigate where necessary and complete remedial and follow up notes on the student's card after discussion with the student. Detention will be taken by assistant principal's daily during first half lunch. If the student is required to attend detention, they must miss out on any activities during that time, including, dance, choir and PSSA. The student is responsible for informing their coach.
Students are given a note on the first day of their detention to take home. This note is to be signed by a parent and returned the next school day. If the note is not returned, the student will present to detention to explain (up to 3 days), at which time the assistant principal's will then make phone contact with the parents to confirm that they have received the letter. A verbal notification from a parent is accepted as confirmation of receiving the letter.
Student rights and responsibilities
Parents, caregivers and students should be aware that fairness and consistency underpin the policy and that our systems of positive reinforcement and acknowledgement of student successes, along with appropriate learning and teaching go a long way as policies to promote excellence in behaviour, attitude and growth in individuals.
The school has a support system of buddy classes, peer support activities, personal development lessons, assembly and other awards along with a student learning support team to manage all areas of student welfare and behaviour. Any family who is having difficulties with any aspect of their child's behaviour is encouraged to speak to the class teacher or make an appointment to see the class teacher or executive staff.
The school reinforces the need for parents and caregivers to remain in contact with staff where matters of family circumstances could be affecting a child's behaviour and learning. The school newsletter, published February each year, contains the summary of the students' rights and responsibilities, and staff continue to refer to these with their students as appropriate.
Students right and responsibilities, include:
I have the right to be treated with respect and politeness.
- I have the responsibility to treat others politely and with respect.
- I have the responsibility to respect the authority of teachers.
- I have the responsibility to use acceptable language when speaking to others.
I have the right to be safe.
- I have the responsibility to make the school safe, by behaving in an orderly way in the school grounds, classrooms and to and from school.
I have the right to learn self-discipline and self-responsibility.
- I have the responsibility to learn self-discipline.
I have the right to expect that my property will be safe.
- I have the responsibility to keep my property in its proper place and to respect other's property.
I have the right to obtain maximum benefit from all lessons and classes.
- I have the responsibility to co-operate with teachers and other students to make sure that lessons proceed productively and that I keep up-to-date with required work.
- I have the responsibility to be punctual and attend school regularly and to take part in activities that will be of benefit to me.
- I have the responsibility to show a positive attitude towards school.
I have the right to have a pleasant, clean and well-maintained school and grounds.
- I have the responsibility to care for the school environment - to keep it neat and clean and litter-free.
I have the right to be provided with a school in which I am not in any physical danger.
- I have the responsibility to tell teachers about dangerous objects at school.
- I accept that teachers may more readily see dangers than I do and I will obey their instructions.
I have the right to have pride in my school and expect local community support, respect and pride in my school.
- I have the responsibility to behave well, showing U have pride in my school so that the community will respect my school.
- I have the responsibility to treat visitors and assisting community members with courtesy and respect.
I have the right when travelling on a school bus, to travel in safety and comfort.
- I have the responsibility when travelling on a school bus, to consider the safety and comfort of other passengers and the driver by sitting quietly in my seat.
I have the right to have my health protected, maintained and preserved.
- I have the responsibility to come to school clean and neatly dressed.
- I have the responsibility to eat only at the correct times and to do so in a hygienic way.
- I have the responsibility to refrain from playing in or interfacing with toilet areas.
I have the right to have pride in my national and cultural heritage.
- I have the responsibility to respect the cultures of others.