There are some costs associated with going to school that you may find it helpful to plan and budget for.
These include:
school books and equipment
- co-curricular activities.
Voluntary school contributions
Like all NSW public schools, we can request contributions to enhance our educational and sporting programs including elective subjects. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students. Payment is voluntary.
For more information, visit the Voluntary School Contribution policy.
Financial assistance
If you are unable to pay school contributions because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school.
Our principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school contributions.
Money collection
Money collection for school fees, excursions, incursions, sports and other school events are to be paid on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Money and permission notes are to be placed in an envelope clearly marked with student's name and class. The envelope is then to be brought to the office and placed in the money slot near the front counter. Richmond Public School also offers other means of paying for activities, these include parent online payment (P.O.P), EFTPOS and Fees in Advance.
P.O.P is done through the school website and is located under 'Make a Payment'. This process is a step-by-step guided program for you to follow, you will be sent an email with a receipt number. Please ensure that this number is written on the student's permission note and placed in our money slot.
EFTPOS is available at the front office for those parents/carers wishing to pay by debit card or credit card. The machine is tap and go, so if you have that on your mobile devices this will work for you.
Fees Paid in Advance are available to parents/carers who may wish to pay money into a credit section of the new Evolution Business System (EBS) central system. If you would like more information in relation to this process, please contact the school office.